- Product ListingListing of any product of your business along with pricing, description, features and other specific parameters pertaining to its item class.
- Shopping FiltersFilter button to browse all products by applying filters of price, item, category, color, size etc.
- Add to CartAdd to cart feature to manage the order before checkout.
- Order NotificationsBusiness user will get notifications on whatsapp immediately after every successful order generation.
- Easy Orders ManagementEasy Management of Orders from the admin panel.
- Device Responsive DesignYour website display gets adjusted automatically on Mobiles, Tablets and Laptops according to its dimensions.
- Custom DomainIntegration of your website with custom domains like .com, .net, .in etc.
- Secure HostingAll your website content is hosted on standards and secure servers.
- SSL CertificateAll vistor connections to your website are protected with Security Socket Layer by installing SSL Certificate.
- Call Button IntegrationCustomers can make a call to business phone at click of a button without saving as contact.
- WhatsApp IntegrationCustomers can connect to business whatsapp at click of a button without saving as contact.
- Google Map IntegrationCustomers can get directions to the store on google map by clicking the embedded map view of the store location on website.
- Social Media IntegrationsLinks to all social media networks like facebook, youtube, instagram etc will be displayed on website to facilitate customers can visit at click of a button.
- QR Code IntegrationQR codes can be generated and printed on display boards, posters etc to facilitate customers to access business website without entering the URL on web browser.
- Auto SEOBusiness website will be displayed on top of the search engine results page while searching the brand on the web.
- Google Business OptimizationBusiness listing will be displayed on google and optimized with SEO keywords to get listed on top of the results.
- OTP Login facilityOTP login facility to business users and customers for accessing the applicable modules of website by avoiding the difficulty of remembering passwords.
- Admin Panel AccessAll-in-one Panel which includes facility to upload content on website, user profiles management and other admin control options.
- Easy Customer EngagmentEasy connect feature to interact with all customers by phone, sms or whatsapp at click of a button from the list of customers.
- Lead ManagementSingle screen Management of all leads generated from various sources of Marketing Channels with facility to group them based on their interest etc and easy connect feature to interact by phone, sms or whatsapp.
- Dynamic Content99 % of the content on the website can be dynamically managed which includes text, photos, videos, links, colors etc.
- Payment Gateway IntegrationIntegration of your website with payment gateway to collect payments to facilitate faster checkout rates.
- Unlimited ProductsUnlimited products as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited PagesUnlimited pages as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited ThemesAllowed to install any available theme.
- Unlimited TicketsAllowed to generate unlimited maintenance tickets.
- Android Lite AppClick to install of Business Application on Android Phones without playstore.
- Customization SupportCustomization requirements specific to your business will be implemented on your website.
- Product ListingListing of any product of your business along with pricing, description, features and other specific parameters pertaining to its item class.
- Shopping FiltersFilter button to browse all products by applying filters of price, item, category, color, size etc.
- Add to CartAdd to cart feature to manage the order before checkout.
- Order NotificationsBusiness user will get notifications on whatsapp immediately after every successful order generation.
- Easy Orders ManagementEasy Management of Orders from the admin panel.
- Device Responsive DesignYour website display gets adjusted automatically on Mobiles, Tablets and Laptops according to its dimensions.
- Custom DomainIntegration of your website with custom domains like .com, .net, .in etc.
- Secure HostingAll your website content is hosted on standards and secure servers.
- SSL CertificateAll vistor connections to your website are protected with Security Socket Layer by installing SSL Certificate.
- Call Button IntegrationCustomers can make a call to business phone at click of a button without saving as contact.
- WhatsApp IntegrationCustomers can connect to business whatsapp at click of a button without saving as contact.
- Google Map IntegrationCustomers can get directions to the store on google map by clicking the embedded map view of the store location on website.
- Social Media IntegrationsLinks to all social media networks like facebook, youtube, instagram etc will be displayed on website to facilitate customers can visit at click of a button.
- QR Code IntegrationQR codes can be generated and printed on display boards, posters etc to facilitate customers to access business website without entering the URL on web browser.
- Auto SEOBusiness website will be displayed on top of the search engine results page while searching the brand on the web.
- Google Business OptimizationBusiness listing will be displayed on google and optimized with SEO keywords to get listed on top of the results.
- OTP Login facilityOTP login facility to business users and customers for accessing the applicable modules of website by avoiding the difficulty of remembering passwords.
- Admin Panel AccessAll-in-one Panel which includes facility to upload content on website, user profiles management and other admin control options.
- Easy Customer EngagmentEasy connect feature to interact with all customers by phone, sms or whatsapp at click of a button from the list of customers.
- Lead ManagementSingle screen Management of all leads generated from various sources of Marketing Channels with facility to group them based on their interest etc and easy connect feature to interact by phone, sms or whatsapp.
- Dynamic Content99 % of the content on the website can be dynamically managed which includes text, photos, videos, links, colors etc.
- Payment Gateway IntegrationIntegration of your website with payment gateway to collect payments to facilitate faster checkout rates.
- Unlimited ProductsUnlimited products as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited PagesUnlimited pages as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited ThemesAllowed to install any available theme.
- Unlimited TicketsAllowed to generate unlimited maintenance tickets.
- Android Lite AppClick to install of Business Application on Android Phones without playstore.
- Customization SupportCustomization requirements specific to your business will be implemented on your website.
- Product ListingListing of any product of your business along with pricing, description, features and other specific parameters pertaining to its item class.
- Shopping FiltersFilter button to browse all products by applying filters of price, item, category, color, size etc.
- Add to CartAdd to cart feature to manage the order before checkout.
- Order NotificationsBusiness user will get notifications on whatsapp immediately after every successful order generation.
- Easy Orders ManagementEasy Management of Orders from the admin panel.
- Device Responsive DesignYour website display gets adjusted automatically on Mobiles, Tablets and Laptops according to its dimensions.
- Custom DomainIntegration of your website with custom domains like .com, .net, .in etc.
- Secure HostingAll your website content is hosted on standards and secure servers.
- SSL CertificateAll vistor connections to your website are protected with Security Socket Layer by installing SSL Certificate.
- Call Button IntegrationCustomers can make a call to business phone at click of a button without saving as contact.
- WhatsApp IntegrationCustomers can connect to business whatsapp at click of a button without saving as contact.
- Google Map IntegrationCustomers can get directions to the store on google map by clicking the embedded map view of the store location on website.
- Social Media IntegrationsLinks to all social media networks like facebook, youtube, instagram etc will be displayed on website to facilitate customers can visit at click of a button.
- QR Code IntegrationQR codes can be generated and printed on display boards, posters etc to facilitate customers to access business website without entering the URL on web browser.
- Auto SEOBusiness website will be displayed on top of the search engine results page while searching the brand on the web.
- Google Business OptimizationBusiness listing will be displayed on google and optimized with SEO keywords to get listed on top of the results.
- OTP Login facilityOTP login facility to business users and customers for accessing the applicable modules of website by avoiding the difficulty of remembering passwords.
- Admin Panel AccessAll-in-one Panel which includes facility to upload content on website, user profiles management and other admin control options.
- Easy Customer EngagmentEasy connect feature to interact with all customers by phone, sms or whatsapp at click of a button from the list of customers.
- Lead ManagementSingle screen Management of all leads generated from various sources of Marketing Channels with facility to group them based on their interest etc and easy connect feature to interact by phone, sms or whatsapp.
- Dynamic Content99 % of the content on the website can be dynamically managed which includes text, photos, videos, links, colors etc.
- Payment Gateway IntegrationIntegration of your website with payment gateway to collect payments to facilitate faster checkout rates.
- Unlimited ProductsUnlimited products as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited PagesUnlimited pages as per the fair usage of business requirement.
- Unlimited ThemesAllowed to install any available theme.
- Unlimited TicketsAllowed to generate unlimited maintenance tickets.
- Android Lite AppClick to install of Business Application on Android Phones without playstore.
- Customization SupportCustomization requirements specific to your business will be implemented on your website.